Monday 27 August 2012

Mike Vs Jamie Exhibition

Before I start. I’d just like to thank everyone that came to the Private viewing of mine and Jamie’s exhibition last Monday. I know it took me a while to add this post. I’ve been a bit busy ironing some of the exhibition work that still needed doing. The exhibition is going to be on for a month, so you still have plenty of time to pop down. If you’re interested, we’ll be included in the Deptford X at the end of this month (31st August). W here all of the Exhibitions in Deptford will be closed late. Myself and Jamie will be there on the day to go mingle.
Those who did come to the private viewing were treated to some free badges, hope you liked them! Don’t worry we still have plenty, you’ll be able to pick one up for £2.00 for 2 badges at Deli X. If you want to request any please don’t hesitate to ask.
Now, the most silliest thing we had done was not take any pictures on the private viewing! Hence why I was a little late in posting this up. The following pictures were taken a few days after the private viewing. If anyone has any better pictures would be great! I can’t take photos to save my life.
Well please leave any comments, I would like to hear what other people felt about it.

Saturday 28 July 2012

****UPDATE**** Date and time will remain the same. 
There will be another late viewing of this exhibition on 31st August if you can’t make it to this one. Hope to see you there!
Hello all, you are probably wandering why we've gone into limbo these past weeks/months. we've actually been saving all our illustrations for our upcoming exhibition. So everything's a bit of a secret at the moment.
The exhibition would be held in the Deli X in Deptford High St. Our private viewing is on the 13th August. Do pop by if you have the chance or not going to see the Olympics.
There will be some beverages and badges!

Tuesday 28 February 2012


Hey all, Ok you're probably all wandering why we've been in limbo for quite some time... Ye I kinda suck. When doing the Pin Up idea I guess I wanted the picture to be frigging awesome. I got so wound up and kerfuffled (done quite a lot of drafts too!) I just stopped producing any after a while...Sorry guys.
Anyways, myself and Jamie are both getting our heads down and do some badass drawings for you guys too... judge.. I guess.